All of this is just so amazingly cool! Having lived in Seattle, I appreciate the reference to Mt. Rainier because i have a really good idea what that is like in scale. And when you fly in and out of Seattle you sometimes bank right around that mountain top, so it's easy to imagine these crazy huge pillars on it. And storytelling course? yes please!

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Ah I really love this! Anything about geological phenomena is my 100% my bag. I did laugh when I read the hydrothermal field name… much less romantic than “Atlantis.” I really love the concept of underwater mountains and this slow expansion deep under the ocean’s surface — I think it’s a great metaphor for how things are always changing and developing even if we don’t perceive it.

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So much delight here, as always! And Lake Baikal -- tell me you've seen this?! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mn4oanrNQV0


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Europa here we come! And how fun seeing one of our home state's most iconic images as part of the tour!

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We need to talk. I have the Boxford Mosaic or the effect of the Napoleonic Wars on Europe’s topography or UAPs and just what the hell is flying around in the sky? Pick one, Mike, and let’s do this in June.

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