It's great to get some scientific support for being a kind person. That's a really uplifting message.

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Love this - kindness works on both sides of the equation 🤍

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Fascinating stuff about volunteering (for the right motives). And an all-round uplifting read

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I've always been a fan of sci-fi, but since the 90s when I first was introduced to Octavia Butler I've mostly stuck with sci-fi by Black women because it asks the questions about society that I'm interested in, and often central to those questions is how people maintain kindness, connection, and a sense of their own humanity in the face of horror. I'm really excited that they're finally releasing a tv version of Butler's book, Kindred, soon on Hulu. Here's the trailer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grco3eoAA30

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What a wonderful and wonderfully timed piece this is! I'm sure I'm not alone in feeling grateful because I needed this right now. And you've approached the subject of kindness from a direction I'd never thought of and really given me a solid feeling for how much more necessary it is for all of us than I'd even realized. Thank you for this!

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Loved reading this! Thank you. Maybe we can persuade some people to be kind by giving them the data and tell them that by being kind they are actually selfish! haha.

During the pandemic, I had the chance (?) to talk with some people that were anti vaxxers, or generally sceptics. I found out that being kind, and listening to them intensely was actually far more productive than just showering them with statistics and scientific facts. These people also want the same things we do, to live healthy and happy lives. But because of one thing or another they ended up mostly being afraid of what they were reading about the vaccines so they didn't trust anything they saw.

Because of my job, they expected me to argue with them. However, I said "Hey, you do you but if you ever have questions about the vaccine reach out to me and I'll look into it with you so that we can understand". Now that didn't work 100% of the times, but maybe 75-80%? They appreciated the effort.

Take care, and be kind [=

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Love this--and so fascinating about the effects of kindness. Also, absolutely LOVE for all mankind--it's riveting, thoughtful, fascinating for all the reasons you so rightly wrote. It's telling that Ron Moore began writing for Star Trek Next Gen--that optimism for the future is a thread that continues in for all mankind. And such great, complex, multiple women in that show--I love how strong, flawed, brilliant, failing, and getting up again they all are--real women! (should not be as refreshing to find in a show but here we are). I think that flip at the end of the first episode with the Russian woman cosmonaut revealed--and the o shit moment that the US needs to get its act together with regard to women in space--is just such a thrilling, if not also maddening, way to think of an alternative history. The title seems like a bit of a wink--for all mankind, sure. ha! love that you highlighted the kindness and cooperation in all of it--so so true.

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That Eagle image (annotated) blew me away too! Incredible. And thanks for the write-up about For All Mankind -- think I'll start it over Xmas break.

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Thank you for opening this post up, Mike. It was fascinating. The links were eye-opening (one in particular heart-stopping!) and I wouldn't have found them without your help.

I like the concept that kindness and compassion can grow. I perhaps would prefer it to grow naturally rather than being pushed by science to be a 'healthier' option like eating a more Mediterranean diet for example, but that's probably a Pollyanna view.

One day, if you haven't done it already, I'd love to read your views on Tibetan buddhist compassion and loving kindness. Just lately, I've read a few books that link it with quantum science - something that surprises me greatly. Cheers and thank you again.

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Ohhhhh how much I loved and needed this piece. Thank you!

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Great post, thanks. Kindness is essential to our evolutionary development. It is wired into our biology, Hard to imagine a newborn baby surviving without kindness. They do sometimes but it is never favorable to their (or our) evolution.

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We talk about how to "think" of the other side a lot. And it's very hard. I just listened to an episode of This American Life that made me want to scream bloody murder at Republicans. Worse, it made me feel like it's hopeless to ever find a way to get along with them.

But as you note, we must. And it feels like there is some good advice here.

And I MUST see For All Mankind, but don't have Apple TV. WHY MUST I SUFFER SO?!?!

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For All Mankind is excellent! Great callout!

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I will now be singing only kindness matters for the rest of the day. I love this much. Thanks for the book rec.

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I hit the follow button because I also love FOR ALL MANKIND and I'm thrilled to see other people feeling so strongly about it.

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Yes and yes and thank you for taking time to meander through it all. A little praise for goodness instead of preaching the horror. We can't all be all bad otherwise how would we ever know bad? Truly, we're pretty miraculous and I'm glad I found your work. Thank you!!

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