Yes, I'm slightly confused. But what the hell--subscribed!

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Hooray! Welcome, Cory. I hope I can offer you...a better-quality form of confusion as I go along. (I'm not going to promise that it'll all make sense at some point! It certainly hasn't happened to me yet, anyway...)

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"Better quality confusion"

These words can give birth to a fantastic post!

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If I wasn't so confused, I'd write it! You'd better do it instead. ;)

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Thank you so much for the invite and showing , and helping me. I know its just a start for me right now, and I really do want and need this, and I am Very curious. But I know you there. Thank You..!!!!

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I’m reaching out to you today.. Because you reached out for me. In a very big way.

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Feb 18, 2023Liked by Mike Sowden

As am I, Cory. I subscribed, too.

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Welcome, Gregg!

And I wish I could promise that things will get clearer! (They might not. But I'll do my best.)

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Nov 1, 2022Liked by Mike Sowden

Curiousity, by its very nature must contain surprise.

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Jul 25, 2022Liked by Mike Sowden

Love that photo all my insert photos have the photographer's name at bottom. Are these your own photos? Also appreciate your content and themes. Right on we go😎 Check out my newsletter

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May 8, 2022Liked by Mike Sowden

Well, I can't comment on your recommendations so - this will have to do.

I am a survivor of having been at the same school as Annette Laing of Non-Boring History - she's pretty well always had a Tigger-ish level of energy & enthusiasm. Only one of her (Thank God - I don't think any of us could cope with more).

Her passion for the writing is genuine (you could also try her books, based on a town she & I both know well). I don't always agree, but she's too young to be right all the time.

It might also have led me to subscribe to yours.

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I've subscribed Mike! I try to live in wonder everyday. From working with amazing people, running businesses changing the world. To walking in nature without my phone, just listening, watching and taking in the sounds. Some of the places I've visited and things I've got to partake in during my life I will always treasure. We really do live in a mind boggling world and universe!

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I certainly hope this "Everything is Amazing" is meant literally. I live in that world.

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I am new here and utterly exhausted tonight but the goal of learning something new wakes me up every morning and I WILL BE BACK! That’s a threat! Most folks just cannot deal with my need to know things! New things; or just things never learned before! Whatever! Getting ready for a new journey!😊😳🤔

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May 18, 2022Liked by Mike Sowden

I love it Mike! Super cool idea and enjoying the ride!

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Well said Mike! As the coauthor of "Intelligent Curiosity, the art of finding more", I couldn't agree more. When we take time, even a moment, to notice what is around us, the world unfolds in wondrous ways. Jim Cathcart

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Couldn't agree more. And I will grab a copy of your book, Jim - sounds like it's right up my street.

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I’ve just subscribed! You were the first substack I discovered while I was wondering whether to start my own. I’m now two issues into mine and loving it.

I also want to start investing in the community so what better way to start. Thank you!

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It was something that left the curiosity still curious.

Well Im sure there will be gems inside and I will dive in to find them.

Looking forward to settle my curiosity

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The most gleeful into letter ever

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Thank you, Sarah! I show up with maximum clueless enthusiasm - mainly* because I have nothing else to offer.


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Ok, so this wasn’t actually supposed to happen, but now I know what “Restack” does!

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Thank you!

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De nada! The intention was to find a fancier way to link to a Substack rather than the usual. I was hoping to make the Substacks referred to stand out from other external links. Still learning! Anyway, a mention is coming 8th August, unless I change the schedule for the umpteenth time!

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I'd be interested in interviewing you on a recorded zoom call re your Twitter thread success story. Especially if you were willing to narrate a short screen share of charts and tweets?

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The astrophysicist Neil de Grasse Tyson says we only know about 4 percent of the universe and the more we learn we discover that we know even less. I believe he was quoting other scientists. That’s why he says we cannot rule out a God or Deity. It’s just amazing

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When I had an office job I was able to keep up with my personal email inboxes. Now that I’ve changed careers I’ve lost control of the wheel and my inboxes are landfills. It’s terrible but I feel better knowing I’m not alone.

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