Dec 10, 2021Liked by Mike Sowden

The reason for the bump was someone suggested your substack as respite from all the political #&?#. I'm grateful to you

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I'm a science idiot, Mike, so I'm going to believe you regardless, especially because I don't think it will do harm. Interesting stuff!

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Stunning collection of pix. Reminds me of the Augsburg Book of Miracles, but with science!

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Beautiful pics and a fantastic explanation. Now I just need to see for myself!

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Wow, that moon pillar is magical! Thank you for sharing.

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Feb 12, 2022Liked by Mike Sowden

This is so interesting! Do you have any insight on what could have caused the spiral anomaly in Norway? https://dubaikhalifas.com/what-is-this-mysterious-spiral-anomaly-in-the-norwegian-sky/

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Jan 22, 2022Liked by Mike Sowden


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Jan 21, 2022Liked by Mike Sowden

Articulated with panache, honesty and more than a dash of humility - superb..!

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Sticking with diamond dust, wowing, and awing.

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So fun to read about this! That sun halo + sundogs (which auto-correct wants to turn into "sundaes"; I'll take one of those, too) was truly overwhelming. I've seen a few since, but not as distinct and definitely not that big. And you are absolutely correct -- learning the science of why they happen made them *much* cooler and more mysterious, not less.

Would love to read more about the "learning science makes everything more mysterious" effect, actually. I don't think I'll ever not be an atheist, but deeply researching millions of years of bipedal evolution got me closer to believing in a creator than church ever did. Everything really is amazing!

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Is this phenomenon related to Steve?

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