Just an aside to say that, though I sometimes find Substack overwhelming, it’s a reminder of how interesting people can be. Not just the famous people with lots of followers and a robust Notes presence, but really anybody. So I appreciate what I am interpreting as your egalitarian bent to help others indulge in and share their curiosity. And your island plan sounds very cool.

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Totally agree with this. Seems like ever since the internet came into being, people have been trying to break down hierarchical walls and barriers. They keep getting rebuilt, and dismantled, over and over, but every time it's a reminder of how many people there are with no platform who have perspectives on the world that make my life richer.

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Hi Antonia! Nice to see you here. I love that our paths cross every decade or so.

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Seriously! I was like, wait, I know that name . . . and then saw the title of your book and thought, right, of COURSE! Hi!

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I just subscribed to your stack. Oh frabjous day!!

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Thank you! And I've got yours, too! So glad we keep catching each other on the interwebs. (Do people still say that? Interwebs?)

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I’m aging, and some things I enjoy doing, like Pickleball and fly fishing, have become difficult for me to continue doing. I’m always looking for new things to occupy my time. “Write what you want to learn” is a great idea, thanks I’ll give it a try.

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I am a rock, I am an i-s-s-s-land. Except no man is an island. I trust you shall settle this confusion for me.

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"I don’t think I realised until recently how utterly arbitrary the dividing-line between “island” and “continent” is."

Funny that you mention that, I have always thought the same about our oceans. It's just one big sea..

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Is there any way I can send $1 or $5 'cuz I enjoyed an article?

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I think the 1-1 idea is really inspired! Having a subscriber base that large means that, to whatever end or purpose, you *are* an expert at the *very* least regarding (a) getting ideas shaped and formed into coherent form, (b) on a fairly regular schedule, (c) over topics that people enjoy reading about. You've got a lot of experience to share, and this sounds like a great way to help others. Man, it's such a rush to get an article done and hit "Publish" (even if, upon a later reading, I think I might have been a bit hasty...) :) Thanks again for all you do and your enthusiasm in supporting everyone else!

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Brilliant Mike! White paint, let’s do it, everyone get out there with a brush and pot of paint. Imposter syndrome, yes, great tip! I be been teaching writing for 20 years including at universities with no quals until I finally got a Masters( still didn’t make me feel more legit) I’ve always gone by ‘ what the teacher teaches the teacher needs to learn.’ I’ve learned sooo much from my students in those 20 yrs, still am. Islands, geography geology... I’m passionate about it all. Here in Australia we def see ourselves as an island, so far away from everything. I’m keen to hear about your island hopping. The pic of Ailsa Craig is incredible! Early morning here in Oz and your NL just popped into my SS app. I should be meditating instead I’m salivating over all your offerings and answering your call to sign up as paid. How many SS subscriptions is too many? How many can I afford? How can my body/mind contain the excitement, inspiration, sheer joy they each bring? Thanks for the morning rush! Better than coffee, looking forward to more!

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Being an islander on tiny Tasmania (part of Oz), to the far south of the globe, I can't wait to see what you come up with re islands. 'Cos there is such a thing as an 'islander' mentality - seriously. Amongst other quirky things no doubt, that I'm sure you'll tell us about...

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Hear, hear! Love Tassie ( I’m from Sydney) and I always feel its islandness is what makes it so special!

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Jan, Tassie is unique, like most islands. I think it's that sense of isolation. It makes us quite tough folk. We have to be as we're always left off the map!!!

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Yes, another excellent islander quality!

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Loving the idea of season six!!! Also really resonated to the "write what you want to learn," approach. Each time I start writing one of my historical mysteries I start with late 19th century topic that I want to learn more about -most recent was mention of dognapping as an organized crime in 19th century. So spent time reading up on that, looking at newspaper articles, etc. then got to write a novella I am just finishing, putting up scene by scene on substack. As a professional historian this has become such a fun way to research and write history--but since fiction, no footnotes!!!

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Can't wait for season 6!!

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“write what you want to learn”........ yes indeed!

you nailed my own scribbling writing; curiosity and perspectives of all

thank you ....... indeed

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What even is biogeography? How is it different to social geography? How is that different to anthropology? So many questions!

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I want to help with “but I still can’t do the most adventurous, most out-in-the-world version of the newsletter.” My brother is an engineer at BC Ferries and can likely give an interesting perspective about Vancouver Island and the Islands on the Sunshine Coast. I can also set you up with accommodation there. I currently live in Castellon, Spain, and have been wanting to go to Islas Columbretes and some other semi-uninhabited islands in Spain. If you need a translator, tour guide, and free accommodation, I'm happy to help out. I will become a paid subscriber soon, but I'm currently spending 3x the amount I'm making on Substack, and I've used up my savings the past year trying to create a successful Substack, so I have to go back to teaching before I can spend more. I will keep writing “what I want to learn about,” so hopefully, things will pick up, and I can show more writers I enjoy my support.

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The "pay to watch me make a total idiot of myself" thing has been done, but I'm not sure it's ever been so consistently followed by activities that inspire people's curiosity, teach many of us something new every single time, and bring together a vast readership of people who are eager to care (or care again for the jaded and fatalist among us, er, ahem) about the miraculous world we live in.

Also, I want to know a whole lot more about the environmental impacts of paint manufacturing wherever those factories are located before I get on board with painting the planet to combat climate change!

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Keep doing what you're doing Mike! Still my favourite newsletter 😊

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It's over and I'm so far behind! One of these days I'm doing a binge of Everything is Amazing and catching up!! I want to read every single word.

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