Choose fun, and find a way to build around that.

Best advice EVER. More power to your elbow. (Do tell me the origin of that?)

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The follow-ups to your thread of mis-typed but ever-so-fortunately-hilarious-still-words is just so fun. Makes me feel like we should have a social media account only for hilarious mistakes. They're what's memorable after all. Like when I walked through Glasgow as a grad student in a mini skirt that I later found was tucked into my tights in back the whole time and passed my advisor completely oblivious....ah yes, fun times.

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You’re the only honest person left on the internet, Mr. Sowden. Thank you!

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Ah, love this post for multiple reasons, and it made me laugh out loud in multiple places. What more can we readers ask for, eh? I've had the terrifying experience of going viral (a long time ago, but I can relate). And however bonkers it goes, we should remember the slightly sobering numbers, too: 1m -> 600 signups, 9m -> 6000. That shows how much hard work is actually needed to grow at scale. But it's not about numbers - it's about fun, as you say, and bringing something into the world that some people might just really like. And showing up. Thanks for showing up so generously all the time, Mike!

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At one point I self-published a book of poems about my own butt. (It had grown-rather a lot-I was inspired/had stuff to work through.) Now, my 6 year old tells his friends that his mother is "a famous butt poet," and they believe him. For the moment, I'm riding high, and it feels like an (un-looked for) success.

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avoid being the noise! avoid following the same identical formula! yessss!

"...this isn’t a 'how to go viral' formula. I don’t believe in those, mainly because cutting through the noise involves Avoiding Being The Noise - the kind of noise created when a lot of people follow the same identical formula.

I think your biggest asset is your ability to spot your own way to stand out, to be thrillingly weird, to bend the rules away from what a lot of other folk are doing, and to act on your chosen weirdness in the hope that people like it and maybe even share it."

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I loved this because I can’t count the number of times I’ve watched people sell their soul to get viral and then they are stuck using platforms they hate with content that they aren’t interested in. What a real, valuable take on this ever changing “going viral” online world we swim in. When I write I feel God’s pleasure. That’s enough for me. 😊

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I've always found it deeply satisfying that tweeting about a megaflood is what prompted a flood of subscribers.

(incidentally, I'm 99% sure your megaflood tweets are what led me to your writing in the first place)

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I actually really love this. Your honesty is very refreshing. And speaking of typos, once while working on some environmental interp signs, I very, very nearly sent something to be engraved in metal with the L missing from 'public toilets'. The L from the public bit, that is.

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“the more you show up with enthusiasm as a creative artist, the luckier you seem to become.” Or the harder you work (enthusiastically and joyfully), the luckier you become ;). We are fortunate (not lucky) to be on the receiving end of your enthusiasm and joy. Thank you, Mr. Snowden…

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This is the best post on how to go viral! And, frankly, it should be the only post! Brilliant.

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Enjoyable read as always! I have mixed feelings about using X/Twitter and Threads for sharing my work and just existing on, largely around how I don't want to support Elon Musk. Was wondering what your thoughts on both platforms are and whether you think they're worth being on?

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This post actually DOES deserve to go viral!

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Mike, *this* is the post that should get most attention. Thank you for your honesty.

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I once got reprimanded about going viral on Twitter by a boss at an old job... and I couldn't quite explain to them that I had no control over the internet

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I really appreciate this! Feels a little like when I read or listen to Seth Godin.

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